Have you ever wondered what true love is really like, or even what it is? Now I am not suggesting that I know the final answer to the last question, but I have experienced it for myself. The best way for me to really describe true love is by giving one example, God. If one really takes into consideration what God does throughout the whole Bible, they will notice that He has a roll as a lover. Throughout the Bible, God tries to make a connection with his chosen people, the Israelites. By making a covenant with their ancestors and developing them into a great nation. But after doing this by freeing them from oppression and giving them the land from their enemies, the Israelites manage to not be thankful start following other religions. And after the Israelites go through exile and manage to come back home they still don't get the idea that God is wanting only a relationship with His people. Finally God makes the ultimate act of love by sending His son down to Earth to pay for the atonement of our sins. May I add that this was God's
only son. These observations give me two impressions about love.
One is that love is a commitment, or a choice if you would prefer that. God ultimately chose to stick with the Israelites even when they failed on Him to show love back to Him by being faithful and not go to other God's. Also God is still choosing to stick with His believers today, even though we continuously screw up on a daily basis. It takes us humans a lot of effort to love those who hurt us deep, but yet God is willing to stick through the most painful things that you can throw at Him.
Two is that love is sacrificial, a willingness of self sacrifice. God displayed this through His son's death. He was willing to give up His perfect son to die at the hands of sinners. He even was unable to be near His son since Jesus was taking on the sins of the world when he was on the cross. To truly give up His son to the point of rejection because of all the sin. When was the last time we were willing to give up something dear t us for someone else? When was the last time you felt that you would be willing to sacrifice yourself for a loved one?
This rant is not meant to make anyone feel bad about their feelings. It is just to give people some food for thought.
The other thing that wracks my brain is that God knows all about us, to the very number of hairs we have on our head. Like that seems really creeper like at first, but when you stop to think about it, it really shows how much He really cares and loves us. And he still wants to get know more about us and our lives, even though He knows what happens down here. That is what real love is all about. That's what true love is all about.