Sunday, February 6, 2011

Heaven and the Shower??

As part of our lives, we all (in general) take showers, but there is something that particularly come to mind for me as I was taking mine yesterday. After cleaning myself and having washed my hair and turned off the faucet, I came to a question. Is heaven like a long shower that we stay in? I ask you to please try and follow me as I try to explain myself. See, when we are outside of the shower, we get dirty, sweaty and start to smell (hence the reason for having a shower). We might also use the shower to relax a bit more and be able to take time for ourselves to breathe from the stresses of life around us. Yet, once we hop in that shower, we start to clean off our dirt body and start to relax from the strain of life. We start feeling a lot more like ourselves. We are also exposed as who we are in the shower with nothing to hide and are at peace with that in a warm, greenhouse like environment.

However, there is a problem, as I figured out once I was done my shower. We need to get back out of the shower and get dirty or stressed out by the world again. We need to get out of our warm climate where we are fully exposed and relax to face a world that is cold and where we often at times hide who we really are. We feel self conscious and dirty by some of the things we have done for ourselves in our life or things we have done just to survive.

Despite the harshness of the world, we need to take time to get cleansed from the stuff going on in our life. This is where I see the heaven scenario coming out in this perspective/analogy. Time to take these stressors and dirty that we have piled up and give them to Jesus to clean us and make us look and feel new. Throughout our life we have small shower times, in these times we are fully exposed to Jesus of who we are and then He does something when we surrender to Him. We are cleaned by Christ's righteousness, blood, and resurrection in which He takes away the sins in our lives and helps us in time of trouble. It is noted in Revelations 22 that heaven is a place where sin will no longer be around and where we will be perfectly clean from everything that has happened. Which leads me to my question...

Is heaven going to be like a shower that we stay in for the rest of our eternal lives?

I would think so....


  1. I definitely hope so! There's something so relaxing about showers. It's a place of relaxation, as you said in your blog post. You also lose all sense of time, for the most part. When you're in that warmth, you often don't know how much time has passed until you're back out again in reality.

    Great analogy, hun :)

  2. Haha! That's an awesome analogy! Came across this blog through Pick Fretz's Brain and it's pretty cool:)

    P.S. The graphic in the title is neat!
