Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Going Through The Motions.

It's funny the way that God can influence us through a simple passage of scripture.  Like tonight, for my personal devos I was reading Psalm 50.  This Psalm predominately speaks on some of the issues that I feel the church needs to hear now-a-days.  Like the idea of God wanting a relationship instead of religion.  Now this is not to say that religion is a bad thing.  It's good if it does not hinder a relationship with God our Father.  But if it becomes too much of a routine, it has replaced the practice that religion was supposed to support, a relationship.  God dislikes this so much that He will destroy the people who are not seeking God and are just doing things to go with the motions.

This hits home to me in many ways.  I do admit at times I have made my faith a bit more of a following with the motions than with a sincere search for God.  Yet, God is willing to accept me and transform that half-hearted nature into a longing to seek His will and a relationship with Him.  I found this through practicing daily devotions and the need to want to learn more about God.  To actually seek out what God is trying to tell me in the scriptures for that day.

I think we all need to evaluate what we are doing in our walk with God and determine whether we are just doing to go with the motions or to actually pursue a relationship with Him.  After this He may show you that there is a need for personal edification.  At that time it might be good to try and seek God from then on in your daily life, just like a person wishes to find great riches.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I totally agree. So often, it is much easier to simply go through the motions, instead of putting the necessary effort of actually trying to grow closer to God. Why is that? Is it because our world is so accustomed to having things easy that we don't put effort into something unless it benefits us immediately? I guess we are so used to immediate gratification that we are no longer willing to put effort into something that will bring about gratification eventually.
