Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Voices

Throughout my days of growing I realize that words that are said between people can last over lengthly periods of time.  Yes, the person my be gone and may not actually say what they say ever again to us.  And yet, the words they may use can have a lasting, echo effect in our minds.

I do have to admit this is something that continues to haunt me in my everyday life.  Being teased when I was in public school really left a negative impression on my self-confidence.  It is like I have these small voices in my head that brings me down each time I look at myself in the mirror.  No matter what I seem to do, no matter what I try to say to block it out the voices whisper once again in my mind.

There is still hope however, I am not doomed to these negative insults in my head.  I have the opinions of those who care for me, the people that I respect who actually care for me.  They seem to over power the small whispers of insults, like a large ringing gong.  These compliments and heart felt opinions of me give me strength and perseverance through the negative influences.  But the positive reassurances of those I respect also help me to focus on what God says to me.  That I am His child and I am fearfully made by God Himself.  This notion removes all feeling of low self worth and finds the value that God has in me.

So through the opinions of those I respect and God guide me to believe I am actually valuable.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. So often, it is much easier to listen to the voices of the past... the ones that follow us every single day. After all, that is what those people thought, so how do we know that other people aren't thinking the same thing?
    I think it takes much more strength & character & integrity to listen to those who lift us up, and allow their voice of assurance block out the voices of self-destruction.
